!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRYSTAL MANIA 4 Space Pirates From The Planet Of The Pygmie People !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we last left Bub he was being Knighted by Princess Marie Alicia Zebdar. With the Royal Crystal Sword she dubbed him Sir Bub. The ceremony was held in the Sacred Hall before the Great Crystal. As the Sword fell upon Bub's shoulder the crystal awoke for the first time in ten thousand years, "The princess Dubs thee Sir Bub." It said in a gentle voice that filled the minds of all at the palace for the knighting "I am honored you have woken" The Princess said kneeling. Looking around Bub noticed he was the only one standing so he kneeled too. "Rise Bub" the crystal said. "I knew that was gonna happen" Bub thought to himself. "Bub the princess has chosen you to protect our world" The crystal began. "I know," Bub said "pretty cool huh?" "Um, yes quite Cool" said the crystal. "But Coolness is quite beside point, I must judge weather or not you are worthy." "Bummer" Bub said. "Yes, um, quite bummerific, but again Bub it is beside the point. You have taken 10 fractured lands and healed them back into the planet they once were, you have vanquished 3 evils, and have shown the uptmost respect and care for our world. Thus there can be no doubt in my mind that you are worthy, I confirm this Knighthood and grant the power of channeling" The Crystal annonced. "excellent" Bub said The room filled with light shed from the crystal, nearly blinding everyone. The light focused on Bub and he was filled by it, then he passed out. "All Hail Sir Bub Starr! Knight of Zebdar!" the crowd roared. Bub made history that day. he was the first knight on Zebdar in 10,000 years. Now it's been 3 months and relativley quiet all over. Until This Morning. As dawn broke the air was filled with a giant explosion as a wall of the crystal Palace was torn off by Laser fire. Thousands of tiny green aliens dressed like pirates beamed down from a massive Galleon made of steel overhead. In seconds the castle treasury was completely looted and the cretures were beaming up. Bub awoke to find the princess blasting the ship with all the power of the Great crystal. "Whats Going on???" Bub yelled over the sounds of lasers. "Space Pirates!" she yelled. "looks like Pygmie people" "Pygmie people?" Bub asked "I thought they were friendly" "Me too" the princess said. "But now they they're darn inhospitible, and they've got some force feild that not even the crystal can penetrate" "I can get into the beam and go aboard they're ship" Bub suggested. "Are you nuts!" Marie Alicia screamed "theres six GaZillion of them!" "I gotta try" Bub explained "heelllllooooo anyone home up there, it's suicide! you can't channel if your not in contact with zebdar! Don't let being a knight go to your head! We can send up a few crafts after them." The Princes pleaded "Don't worry Princess, nothing goes to MY head" Bub assured her "you can say that again" she answered "Besides if the omnipotent great crystal can't get through their force feild a Zebdar passenger space liner sure couldn't" Then Cedrick the Sage ran in. "Bub you must beam aboard the ship!" he said "see" Bub said to the Princess "I have seen a great evil that may come from this! You must stop their Captain at all costs. I have left my body and astraly traveled aboard the ship to get this" he handed Bub a printed out book "It's a copy of the captain's log, it may be helpful, I've decoded it and put it in English for you" "Thanks Cedrick" Bub said He glanced through the book noticing plans to build a galactic imploder that would make captain Jean Luc Pygmie the greatest force in the universe. Having read the info he put the book aside, and he looked at the princess, she had an expression he'd never seen before, it was like terror and sadness, like she'd lost a best friend. "don't go, you don't have to." She pleaded "I do" he said "I'll be back before you all even miss me. Later" he said then he ran to the treasury and channeled a beam of energy into the transporter. With that he was pulled up into the cargo hold of the Gore Falcon. The princess watched from her window as the ship kicked into warp speed and vanished. So now here we are at the game, have fun! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!